Declaration of Value for Beneficiaries of International Protection in Italy

A Declaration of Value (‘Dichiarazione di Valore in loco’) of a degree or of a professional qualification awarded abroad is a document issued by the Italian diplomatic and consular representations describing its value in the issuing country. A Declaration of Value does not constitute a recognition of the degree, but it is an informative document that can be used by the Italian educational institutions and administrations responsible for the recognition of degrees, for the purpose of the continuation of studies, professional recognition, and so forth.

The Declaration of Value provides information about: the nature and level of the foreign institution that issued the degree; the course duration and entry requirements; any grade obtained, with reference to the local evaluation system; value of the degree in the issuing country, for the purpose of the continuation of studies or professional recognition in addition to any other information considered useful for the foreign degree evaluation process in Italy.

The Office IV of the Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy (DGDP), through the Italian diplomatic and consular network abroad, provides assistance exclusively to foreign nationals who are beneficiaries of international protection in Italy (asylum, subsidiary protection, special cases), for because of their status they cannot approach their country of origin’s authorities or travel there to obtain a Declaration of Value. Assistance is free of charge. The Office IV of the DGDP sends the original documentation submitted by the concerned person to the relevant Italian consular office. Where the prerequisites and general conditions are met, the Italian consular office issues the Declaration of Value and sends it, together with the original documentation submitted, to Office IV of the DGDP. For confidentiality reasons related to the applicant’s status and because of the diplomatic courier’s shipping time, the procedure may take up to several months.

Degrees obtained in Afghanistan, Sudan, and Yemen cannot be processed at the moment,
as the Declaration of Value service provided by the Italian Embassies in those countries is suspended due to the local situation.We suggest to contact CIMEA – Italian Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence in order to request a Statement of Comparability for free through the specific procedure for refugees.

The application process for a Declaration of Value for beneficiaries of international protection involves the following steps:

1. Preliminary step.

Firstly, applicants should email to identify themselves and send scanned documentation.
The concerned person must specify: