How to submit an article for peer review speech pathology

ASHA Journals ses Editorial Manager to manage the submission and peer review process. Authors can select an ASHA journal from the list below to access the submission portal for each journal.

When you arrive at your Author Dashboard, you will need to log in to the system then click “Submit new manuscript.” Please see below for step-by-step instructions through the submission process.

Materials You Will Need

When ready to submit a manuscript, you will need to gather the following:

If you experience any problems during submission, please contact the Editorial Administrator for the respective journal at,,,, or

Paperpal Preflight

Prior to submitting their manuscripts to ASHA journals, authors have the option of using the Paperpal Preflight service to ensure they have included all the items needed. Paperpal Preflight is a free automated web-based tool that detects the most common issues when preparing your paper, giving you the opportunity to make changes before you submit to a journal.

You will be asked to upload a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) version of your manuscript to the tool, it will check the manuscript for items/sections that are either required or recommended by ASHA journals. For details of the journal’s requirements, please see our manuscript preparation guide. The manuscript file size limit is 10 MB – if it exceeds the limit simply strip out any embedded figures and try uploading again.

The tool will provide recommended actions for the authors to review and provide an indication as to whether the paper is likely to pass the journal’s administrative checks. The results of the automated checks are then communicated back to you via a free walkthrough of any problems found

The Paperpal Preflight tool also offers an optional paid-for service that provides a tracked-changes version of your manuscript with suggested modifications, including a range of spelling, punctuation, and grammar recommendations. It is entirely at the discretion of authors whether to use either the free or the paid-for version of the service, and the decision to publish will not be based on whether the authors have used the Paperpal Preflight tool before submission to the journal.

All manuscripts must be submitted through our manuscript submission system for formal consideration, including manuscripts that have been through the Paperpal Preflight tool. Only manuscripts submitted through the submission system will be considered for publication. Use of the Paperpal Preflight tool and incorporation of its recommendations into a manuscript does not in any way imply that the manuscript will be accepted for publication nor sent for external peer review. All submitted manuscripts are subject to additional automated and manual checks, and only manuscripts meeting the journal’s administrative requirements will be sent to the editorial board for further consideration.