45 Deliberate Practice Examples for Rapidly Improving Your Skills

Deliberate practice is by far the most effective method for rapidly improving your abilities at any skill. If you’re lucky enough to have a good coach, they’ll take care of the planning and feedback necessary for effective deliberate practice. But when you’re learning on your own, you have to get creative in how you challenge yourself and assess your abilities.

Out of my own interest in self-education, I’m collecting as many examples as I can find for ways you can independently challenge your abilities and get feedback in different fields. Each of these methods targets part of the deliberate practice roadmap and provide ways to take advantage of it without a dedicated coach.

That means each of these techniques is usually:

  1. A way to assess your limits on your own to set better goals
  2. A way to practice a specific part of the skill you might be weak in
  3. A way to get feedback without a dedicated coach
  4. A way to get a good substitute for a teacher

Most of these are focused on improving a certain part of the skill that may be a weakness for you and use yourself or an audience as the forms of feedback. It’s up to you to be honest about how you did and to make sure you’re completely focused while you’re working on them.

Finally, if this is the first you’re hearing about deliberate practice, I strongly recommend you read my comprehensive guide on it first. Then come back and use these strategies for your self-education.

Art / Design

This is one part of a 7-part masterclass on teaching yourself anything. If you want the other 6 parts, you can get them for free here.





Language Learning




Rubik’s Cube



Speaking / Presenting



Video Games


Other Ideas?

This is a living article, so if you have any other ideas or methods you’ve found for independent deliberate practice, send me a tweet or email and let me know and I’ll add it and link to you as the source!