The Supreme Court and Public Policy

A big year for the Supreme Court. The number of cases the Court is set to decide in 2024 is likely to be under 60—a figure that, until 2020, the Court hadn’t fallen below since 1864 but they have become more political?

The power of judicial review gives the Supreme Court a role on policy making which rivals the elected branches of government. Many of its decision have an impact on education, health, gun control, criminal justice and the environment. This means controversy arises if the judiciary — which is unelected and therefore largely unaccountable — overturns the actions of directly elected officials in either the legislature or the executive. This brings us to the debate concerning judicial activism and Judicial Restraint

The Supreme Court closed out a closely-watched term that saw its newly conservative majority prevail in many cases, as its impact began to take shape. 2021

Policy and the Supreme Court

The role or judicial activism and judicial restraint

Advocates of judicial restraint argue that the court should only intervene in the most obvious cases of constitutional whetr the constitution has been violated and while all justices agree, the problem is there is no agreement about what a 'obvious violation 'is.

Judicial activism is an approach to the interpretation of the Constitution. It has two key components:

If a majority on the court are judicially active, it will have a big impact on public policy. Judicial activism is associated with the Warren Court 1953-69 , which gave had a big impact on civil rights. An activist Court is said to be one which sees itself as leading the way in the reform of American society. Thus the Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren was said to be activist in the 1950s and 1960s in trying to move society along in the areas of black civil rights and the rights of arrested persons. This can be seen in cases such as Brown v Board of Educat ion 1953 and Miranda v Arizona 1966 .

The Roberts Court has consistently ruled against campaign finance regulations — for example, in the Citizens United and McCutcheon cases — suggesting it is using its interpretation of the 1st amendment to promote conservative judicial activism.

Judicial restraint is the opposite of judicial activism. This is based on a view that, as an unelected body, the Supreme Court should defer to institutions with greater democratic legitimacy. A court exercising judicial restraint would also tend wherever possible to defer to the past decison of the court so the Court is exhibiting ‘judicial restraint’ when it follow the principle of 'stare decisis,'— best translated from the Latin as ‘to stand by that which is decided’. Under this principle, once a matter has been decided in a case, it forms a precedent that should not be overturned except under pressing and changed circumstances.

So following the principle of judicial restraint, having decided a woman’s right to abortion in Roe v Wade, the Court has been willing to see limits put on that right but not to overturn the 1973 decision completely. The principle of ' stare decisis ' act as a limit on the court.

Judicial restraint also sees the Court as somewhat deferential to the legislative and executive branches of government, as they — unlike the judiciary — are directly accountable to the voters.

Chief Justice Roberts is critical of the public policy role of the Supreme Court. For example in the Obergefell case:

Roberts describe his view of judicial restraint

Conservatives tend to be critical of judicial activism because of the way in which it has been used by the court to 'find' new rights, such as abortion and gay rights, in the Constitution. Supporters of judicial activism will often base their argument on the need to protect civil liberties, based on the idea of the 'living constitution' that the Constitution has to evolve with the changing values of modern society.

Judicial restraint can be criticised because it could be seen as a failure of the judiciary to fulfill their duty by deferring to elected politicians and failing to enforce the Constitution. This view see the supreme court's role as vital in protecting against the tyranny of the majority and standing up for minority rights. The Bill of Right becomes a dusty historical museum piece unless it is kept alive by the courts. Paradoxically conservatives send to like activism when it is turned against the power of government which suggests that the rights which are seen as most essential depend on the point of view.

Conservatives tend to place the greatest value on the original meaning of the text itself. 'Strict constructionism' and ' originalism ' are among the two best known: the former emphasises the literal meaning of the text; the latter, whose most high-profile exponent is Antonin Scalia , seeks to establish what a 'reasonable' reading contemporary to the adoption would have been. i.e What would a reasonable person think it meant at the time it was written? Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, is an originalist.

There are a number of arguments that underpin the conservative view .