Health insurance covers at-home COVID-19 tests

infographic private insurance covers COVID tests

While you can no longer get free COVID-19 test kits from the federal government, if you have health insurance, you’re covered for eight free over-the-counter, at-home COVID-19 tests each month. So if you have health insurance through your employer, or if you have a plan through the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace, each person on your plan can get eight tests per month. If you’re on Medicare, you’re also covered for 8 free over-the-counter COVID-19 tests each month.

There are two ways to get your tests for free: (1) use a pharmacy or store that your health plan designates “in network” where you’ll be charged $0 or (2) get reimbursed by submitting a claim to your insurance plan. Check with your health insurance provider to find an in-network pharmacy or to know what receipts or other documentation you’ll need.

For more information, including other free COVID-19 testing options, visit

Since we know scammers are targeting Medicare recipients with fake offers for free tests, it’s a short leap to say they might also approach people with private health insurance, trying steal your personal information to commit fraud and bill bogus charges to your insurance.

To keep your information safe:

If you suspect a scam, let the FTC know at

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