Requirements for quezon city science high school

I. Incoming First Year

After the second grading period of each school year, a Division Memorandum is released to the elementary schools within Quezon City, requesting the principals to recommend and certify pupils belonging to the upper twenty percent (20%) of the graduating class and have a grade of at least 85% in Science, Mathematics, and English and 83% in all other subjects. Parent's consent is required of these pupils before they are considered candidates for the entrance examination given at the Quezon City Science High School every December of the year.

There are three phases of examinations: first phase is composed of the Proficiency Test in Science, Mathematics, English, and Filipino. The first 500 examinees who passed this phase will undergo the second phase of the exam which is the Mental Ability Test. Those who passes the second phase will be interviewed for the final screening.

II. Second, Third, and Fourth Years

A student qualifies for readmission as long as:

( a student under probationary status is one who obtains a failing mark in any subject/violates school rules and regulations considered gross/offense/s).

III. Accredited Students

First year students from any Private or Public School within Quezon City qualify for the Accreditation Examination at Quezon City Science High School given February of the year as long as they meet the following requirements: