
The Folsom Lake College anthropology program offers basic lower division courses in anthropology. Anthropology serves as an excellent background to many other behavioral sciences. It also assists students in understanding people and the world around them.

Degrees and Certificates Offered

Associate Degrees for Transfer

A.A.-T. in Anthropology

Anthropology is the holistic study of the human species. Anthropologists study culture, linguistics, archaeology, and human evolution throughout history. The field of Anthropology is comprised of four main subfields: Cultural Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, Archaeology, and Linguistics. With a focus on biological and cultural adaptations around the world, a degree in Anthropology provides the student with skills in critical analysis, basic application of the scientific method, and cross-cultural understanding. The Associate of Arts in Anthropology for Transfer Degree (AA-T) is designed for students to receive priority admission with junior status to the California State University system.

Students planning to transfer to a CSU with a major in Anthropology should consult the lower division requirements specific to the university they plan to attend. The Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) student completion requirements are (SB 1440):

1. Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer to the California State University, including both of the following:

a) The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth Requirements (CSU GE-Breadth).

b) A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis, as determined by the community college district.

2. Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0.

ADTs require that students must earn a “C” or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis. A “P” (Pass) grade is also an acceptable grade for courses in the major if the course is taken on a Pass/No Pass basis.

Catalog Date: August 1, 2024

Degree Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ANTH 300 Biological Anthropology 3
ANTH 310 Cultural Anthropology 3
ANTH 323 Introduction to Archaeology 3
ANTH 301 Biological Anthropology Laboratory 1
A minimum of 3 units from the following: 3 1
ANTH 341 Introduction to Linguistics (3)
PSYC 330 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (3)
or STAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4)
ANTH 330 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion (3)
A minimum of 3 units from the following: 3
GEOL 300 Physical Geology (3)
and GEOL 301 Physical Geology Laboratory (1)
PSYC 335 Research Methods in Psychology (3)
GEOG 330 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3)
GEOL 302 Physical Geology with Lab (4)
A minimum of 3 units from the following: 3 2
ANTH 303 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology (3)
ANTH 392 Principles of Heritage Interpretation (3)
ANTH 319 Visual Anthropology: Introduction to Ethnographic Film (3)
PSYC 368 Cross Cultural Psychology (3)
SOC 300 Introductory Sociology (3)
SOC 301 Social Problems (3)
SOC 321 Race, Ethnicity and Inequality in the United States (3)
ETHNS 300 Introduction to Ethnic Studies (3)
SOC 379 Making Social Change (3)
SOC 341 Sex and Gender in the U.S. (3)
COMM 325 Intercultural Communication (3)
ETHNS 320 Introduction to African American Studies (3)
ETHNS 330 Introduction to Asian American Studies (3)
ETHNS 360 Introduction to Chicana/o/x Studies (3)
ETHNS 350 Introduction to Native American Studies (3)
DANCE 380 World Dance History (3)
Total Units: 19

1 A minimum of 3 units from this list (List A)

2 A minimum of three units from this list (list C) or from list A or B.

The Associate in Arts in Anthropology for Transfer (AA-T) degree may be obtained by completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0, including (a) a minimum grade of "C" (or "P") for each course in the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program, and (b) either the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth Requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

Career Information

Anthropologists with baccalaureate or graduate degrees might obtain employment as a museum manager, linguist, primatologist or zoo curator, archaeological excavator or project director for private, county, state or federal bureaus, cultural consultant for government, business, and educational institutions, forensic specialist in police departments and crime lab, educator, consultant or analyst for local, national or global non-profit organizations.

Associate Degrees

A.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences

The Interdisciplinary Studies degree is designed for students who wish a broad knowledge of arts and sciences plus additional coursework in a prescribed “Area of Emphasis”. This program is a good choice for students planning on transferring to the California State University or University of California. The student will be able to satisfy general education requirements, plus focus on transferable coursework that relates to a specific major and/or individual interest. This degree will have an "Area of Emphasis" in Social and Behavioral Sciences. These courses emphasize the perspectives, concepts, theories, and methodologies of the disciplines typically found in the vast variety of disciplines that comprise study in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Students will study about themselves and others as members of a larger society. Topics and discussions to stimulate critical thinking about ways people have acted in response to their societies will allow students to evaluate how societies and social subgroups operate. (Possible majors at a four-year institution include, but are not limited to: history, sociology, social studies, psychology, and family consumer science.)

It is highly recommended that students consult a counselor to determine the classes within each area that will best prepare them for their intended transfer major.

Catalog Date: August 1, 2024

Degree Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
A minimum of 18 units from the following: 18
Select courses from at least 3 different disciplines.
ADMJ 300 Introduction to Administration of Justice (3)
ADMJ 302 Community Relations: Multicultural Issues (3)
ADMJ 320 Concepts of Criminal Law (3)
ANTH 310 Cultural Anthropology (3)
ANTH 319 Visual Anthropology: Introduction to Ethnographic Film (3)
ANTH 323 Introduction to Archaeology (3)
ANTH 330 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion (3)
ANTH 341 Introduction to Linguistics (3)
BUS 320 Concepts in Personal Finance (3)
or ECON 320 Concepts in Personal Finance (3)
BUS 330 Managing Diversity in the Workplace (3)
BUS 340 Business Law (3)
BUS 345 Law and Society (3)
COMM 325 Intercultural Communication (3)
COMM 341 Organizational Communication (3)
COMM 351 Mass Media and Society (3)
COMM 363 Introduction to Communication Theory (3)
ECON 302 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECON 304 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ECE 312 Child Development (3)
or PSYC 372 Child Development (3)
ECE 314 The Child, the Family and the Community (3)
ECE 330 Infant and Toddler Development (3)
ECE 430 Culture and Diversity in Early Childhood Education (3)
ETHNS 300 Introduction to Ethnic Studies (3)
ETHNS 320 Introduction to African American Studies (3)
ETHNS 330 Introduction to Asian American Studies (3)
ETHNS 360 Introduction to Chicana/o/x Studies (3)
ETHNS 350 Introduction to Native American Studies (3)
GEOG 310 Human Geography: Exploring Earth's Cultural Landscapes (3)
GEOG 322 Geography of California (3)
HIST 307 History of World Civilizations to 1500 (3)
HIST 308 History of World Civilizations, 1500 to Present (3)
HIST 310 History of the United States (To 1877) (3)
HIST 311 History of the United States (1865 - Present) (3)
HIST 314 Recent United States History (3)
HIST 319 American Environmental History (3)
HIST 331 Women in American History (3)
HIST 344 Survey of California History: A Multicultural Perspective (3)
HIST 368 History of France (3)
JOUR 310 Mass Media and Society (3)
NUTRI 310 Cultural Foods of the World (3)
POLS 301 Introduction to Government: United States (3)
POLS 302 Comparative Politics (3)
POLS 310 Introduction to International Relations (3)
POLS 320 Introduction to Political Theory (3)
PSYC 300 General Principles (3)
PSYC 312 Biological Psychology (4)
PSYC 320 Social Psychology (3)
PSYC 335 Research Methods in Psychology (3)
PSYC 340 Abnormal Behavior (3)
PSYC 356 Human Sexuality (3)
PSYC 368 Cross Cultural Psychology (3)
or SWHS 331 Cross Cultural Psychology (3)
PSYC 370 Human Development: A Life Span (3)
SJS 300 Introduction to Social Justice Studies (3)
SOC 300 Introductory Sociology (3)
SOC 301 Social Problems (3)
SOC 310 Marriage and the Family (3)
SOC 321 Race, Ethnicity and Inequality in the United States (3)
SOC 341 Sex and Gender in the U.S. (3)
SOC 379 Making Social Change (3)
SWHS 302 Introduction to Psychology of Human Relations (3)
Total Units: 18

The Interdisciplinary Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree may be obtained by completion of the required program, plus general education requirements, plus sufficient electives to meet a 60-unit total. See FLC graduation requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

Certificate of Achievement

Heritage Interpretation Certificate

Heritage Interpretation involves conveying meaningful information about historical, cultural, and natural events or sites to a broad audience. One may have encountered interpretive prose in historical site markers, displays at parks or museums, and written park visitor guides. Park rangers, docents, and tour guides use oral and written interpretation skills. More recently, interpretive skills have been expanding into social media. Students completing this proposed certificate of recognition will be prepared to take an exam to be a Certified Interpretive Guide (C.I.G) from the National Association for Interpretation. Courses in this certificate may also be applied towards associate degree and/or transfer requirements.

Catalog Date: August 1, 2024

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ANTH 300 Biological Anthropology (3) 3
or ANTH 310 Cultural Anthropology (3)
or ANTH 323 Introduction to Archaeology (3)
BIOL 307 Biology of Organisms (4) 3 - 4
or BIOL 323 Plants and People (4)
or BIOL 350 Environmental Biology (3)
HIST 319 American Environmental History (3) 3
or HIST 344 Survey of California History: A Multicultural Perspective (3)
ANTH 392 Principles of Heritage Interpretation (3) 3
A minimum of 2 units from the following: 2
ANTH 498 Work Experience in Anthropology (0.5 - 4)
BIOL 380 Natural History Field Studies: Coastal Ecosystems (1)
BIOL 382 Natural History Field Studies: Desert Ecosystems (1)
BIOL 384 Natural History Field Study of Forest Ecosystems (1)
BIOL 386 Natural History Field Studies: Marine Ecosystems (1)
BIOL 388 Natural History Field Studies: River Ecosystems (1)
BIOL 389 Natural History Field Studies: Wetland Ecosystems (1)
BIOL 390 Natural History Field Study (0.5 - 4)
HIST 498 Work Experience in History (0.5 - 4)
WEXP 498 Work Experience in (Subject) (0.5 - 4)
Total Units: 14 - 15

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

Career Information

Students completing this certificate along with additional coursework may be prepared to seek jobs as an interpretive guide or Interpretive Specialist at parks, museums, historical sites, and cultural centers; K-12 educator; river guide; or in the hospitality industry. This certificate may also fulfill some of the transfer requirements for a bachelor's degree in Public History, Cultural Resources Management, or Natural Resources Management.

Anthropology (ANTH) Courses

ANTH 300 Biological Anthropology

This course is designed to introduce students to the study of biological anthropology, one of the sub-disciplines of anthropology. This course will demonstrate how the scientific method serves as the foundation to the study of human biological evolution. Issues and topics will include, but are not limited to, genetics, evolutionary theory, human variation and biocultural adaptations, comparative primate anatomy and behavior, and the fossil evidence for human evolution. Introduction to biological anthropology considers human biological evolution within a biocultural context; the origins and evolution of culture, along with environmental causes and responses to human evolution, will be considered within a scientific framework.

ANTH 301 Biological Anthropology Laboratory

This is an introductory laboratory course dealing with human evolution, human and non-human primate variation, genetics, and skeletal biology. This course provides hands-on experience with skeletal remains, anthropometric equipment, genetic testing, and other materials and techniques necessary to an holistic understanding of biological anthropology. Field trips may be required.

ANTH 303 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology

This course provides an overview of the field of forensic anthropology, which is the study of human remains in a medicolegal context. This course emphasizes current techniques used in the analysis of human skeletal remains, medicolegal procedures, and the role of the anthropologist in the investigative process. It examines the basics of bone biology, methods of skeletal analysis, and recognition of bone pathology and trauma. This course will address the broader aspects of applied anthropology and the role of anthropology in law enforcement and human rights issues.

ANTH 310 Cultural Anthropology

This course is an introduction to the varieties of customs and forms of social organizations found in our species. A multicultural, comparative approach is used to study the structure and function of various economic, political, social and religious systems found in Western and non-Western societies.

ANTH 319 Visual Anthropology: Introduction to Ethnographic Film

This course provides an introduction to the use of film by anthropologists as a research and educational tool. A series of films depicting different cultures from around the world are viewed and evaluated. Analysis will focus on examining various attributes of ethnographic film and its treatment by anthropological filmmakers.

ANTH 320 Introduction to Archaeology and World Prehistory

This course introduces students to the discipline of archeology and provides a broad survey of world prehistory. Students will explore the fundamental principles, theoretical approaches and methods utilized by archaeologists to reconstruct prehistory, and will explore a sample of the major developments of human prehistory from the Upper Paleolithic period through the historic period. Examples of the archaeological record will be drawn from all major geographic areas of the world.

ANTH 323 Introduction to Archaeology

This course is an introduction to the concepts, methods and theoretical perspectives employed in the scientific study of archaeology. Emphasis will be placed on how data is retrieved from the archaeological record, and how it can be used to address questions about the development and evolution of human social systems. Topics will include archaeological theory, survey and excavation methods, laboratory analysis, reconstructing past environments, and drawing conclusions about the past from archaeological data. This course will draw upon examples from the New World as well as archaeological examples worldwide. This course may require field trips outside of class time.

ANTH 330 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion

This is a cross-cultural study of the forms and functions of supernatural beliefs and associated rituals in various societies around the world. The emphasis of the course is on understanding beliefs and rituals within their social contexts and through broad comparisons to derive insight into the general functions of beliefs and rituals in human life.

ANTH 341 Introduction to Linguistics

This course will involve the exploration of language including the formal structures of language and cultural dimensions of communication through an anthropological perspective. Three core areas that will be addressed include: structural linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics); historical linguistics (language origin, evolution and change); and sociolinguistics. Linguistic concepts that will be addressed include theoretical assumptions and methodologies pertaining to the biological basis of language, the analytical techniques of linguistics, the role of language in establishing world view, critical thinking and social interaction, how language is used to create and reinforce relationships of power (race, class, gender), diverse languages and dialects, bilingualism, literacy, the social motivation of language change, and the impact of language loss.

ANTH 392 Principles of Heritage Interpretation

This interdisciplinary course covers the basics of interpreting historical, cultural, and natural resources to the general public. Interpretation is a communication process that forges emotional and intellectual connections between the interests of the audience and the inherent meaning of the resource. Topics include developing an interpretive program using a thematic approach and learning program delivery techniques. Completion of this course will qualify students to apply for professional certification through the National Association for Interpretation as a Certified Interpretive Guide (CIG). This course is recommended for students interested in history, biology, anthropology, recreation, education, and communication. Not open to students who have received credit for Biology 392 or History 392. This course requires field trips.

ANTH 495 Independent Studies in Anthropology

ANTH 498 Work Experience in Anthropology

This course provides students with opportunities to develop marketable skills in preparation for employment or advancement within the field of Anthropology. Course content will include understanding the application of education to the workforce; completing required forms which document the student's progress and hours spent at the work site; and developing workplace skills and competencies. During the semester, the student is required to attend orientation. Students must complete 27 hours of related paid or unpaid work experience for .5 unit. An additional 27 hours of related work experience is required for each additional .5 unit. The course may be taken for a maximum of 16 units. Students should have access to a computer, the Internet, and some computer media such as a USB drive to store data files. Online students must have an email account. Only one Work Experience course may be taken per semester.

ANTH 499 Experimental Offering in Anthropology

This is the experimental courses description.